
Possessed Possessions : Watch of a dead boy - Part II

5 minute read

 This is the second part of ‘Possessed Possessions : Watch of a dead boy - Part I’. If you haven’t already read it, read it here.

Story – Continuation

 He went back inside the house only to find it completely disordered. He was sure that it was not caused by any stray animal as all the windows were closed. Muddled by what he was seeing, he proceeded to pack all his things. While he was almost done, there was a power cut and he was able to hear someone walk near him in the darkness. He flashed his phone’s torch light to see who it was but, all he saw were wet footprints.

 He rushed out of his house and stayed outside until the power came back. When he went back inside, he saw all the stuff he had packed previously, thrown around the house. As it was late already, he decided to pack it again the next day and went to sleep. Arun was a person who was blessed with the ability to sleep instantaneously but that night, despite trying as hard as he could he was not able to fall asleep.

 The clock struck 11 P.M. while Arun heard a familiar sound of someone walking in the hall. He slowly got out of his bed and peeked from a corner of the bedroom to see who it was. In the poorly lit room, he saw wet footprints on the floor of the hall but, they were being made all on their own with no one present. On seeing this, he started to panic and he was desperately trying to reduce the sound of his breath. Unfortunately, he was not able to reduce the sound and the footprints were now being made in the direction of his bedroom.

 He closed the door and hid under his bed in horror. The walking sound stopped all of a sudden and he was relieved by its pause. He slowly came out of his hiding and peeked into the hall again. This time he was not able to see any footprints but, the floor was covered in blood. Terrified by the sight, he decided to stay inside his room until morning and then seek help. When he latched the bedroom door and turned back, he saw the boy he had seen earlier, standing in front of him. The boy stood there staring at Arun’s wrist.

Scary Boy

 Arun figured out that the boy was staring at the watch he was wearing and tried to remove it but, despite multiple failed attempts, he was not able to remove it. He saw the boy move slowly towards him and stood in the same place helplessly. The boy gradually grew bigger and bigger as he came closer and Arun says,” He grew from 4 feet to 10 feet within 10 seconds”.

 Arun ran outside the room and locked the door in fear. With a 10 feet demon on one side and a pool of blood on the other, he desperately tried to remove the watch from his wrist but he was not able to do it. He started hearing a scratching sound from his bedroom and simultaneously the walking sound resumed in the hall. He tried opening the house door to run out but to his dismay, the door was jammed and it did not open. He crouched near the house door feebly, hoping for the night to end soon.

 He fell asleep near the door itself but he was soon woken up by a heaviness on his chest and when he opened his eyes, he was not able to move. He thought he was going through sleep paralysis until he saw a demonic face right in front of his face. He suddenly felt a sharp pain on his left wrist and coincidentally he was able to move now. When he lifted his arm to see what was causing the pain, he saw blood oozing out of a fresh cut on his wrist. The cut was close to the watch he was wearing and it seemed to be deep. Arun tried his best to stop the bleeding but it did not stop and eventually, Arun faded out.

 When he gained back consciousness, he found himself in a hospital with drips on him but, the watch was no longer on his wrist. Manish gave him a tight slap and asked him why he tried to commit suicide but little did he know that the cut was not because of a suicide attempt. Arun explained to him everything that happened in his house but Manish did not even flinch on hearing this. This gesture was enough for Arun to figure out that Manish knew about the issues in his house and knowingly made him stay there. After being discharged, Arun left the city at once even without taking his things from that house.

The history behind the Watch

 Manish’s previous tenants were a family of three which consisted of a couple who were deeply in love and their autistic kid. They owned a watch repair shop and it was their primary source of income. The father named Rahul was a well-mannered man but, his relatives loathed him as he married a lower caste girl.

 His relatives had apparently hired a black magician and asked him to send a Demon on Rahul’s trial. A watch was used as a beacon for the demon and this watch was given to Rahul asking him to repair it. He sold it to another person for a heft price as the person who had given it to him for repair never came back but, when he returned home that evening, he saw that watch inside his house.

 Confused, he gave it to his son asking him to keep it. The next day, he saw his son walk outside of the house in a trance state. When he followed him, he saw his son jump into a well right in front of his eyes. The corpse of his son was never found but, he saw the watch his son was wearing when he jumped, on a shelf in the house the very next day.

 His wife hung herself to death in the very same week and her corpse had the same watch on her wrist. Disheartened, Rahul had apparently gone into depression after all the occurrences and killed himself and, the watch was present on his wrist as well. Everyone who wore that watch after that had apparently died including Arun as well. Yes, you read that right, Arun had also committed suicide after he left the city and the watch was present on his corpse as well.

You might ask me how I got to know about this story if Arun died. This story is a first-hand account of Manish who told it to me himself.