
Horrific Hauntings : The Moreno Valley Poltergeist Part II

Read the first part here

An Amateur Seance Cont'd

 As she kept repeating her words, Matt entered the house. The moment he saw the cat figure on the table, he lashed out at Susan in front of the girls. In anger, he lifted that figure and threw it out of the window. The entire time, Susan and the girls pleaded with him not to do it as they felt things would worsen but he just wouldn’t listen. To everyone’s surprise, the cat figure that Matt had thrown out of the window magically reappeared on the table. Matt still thought that one of the girls was pranking, and this time instead of throwing it out of the window he smashed it on the floor.

 Later that night, Jamie went into the kitchen in the middle of the night to ease her late-night cravings. When she entered the kitchen, she noticed the word “CAT” written all over the walls. She immediately ran to her mom’s room and bought Susan and Matt to the kitchen. Matt immediately started blaming Jamie for it and with Susan defending her daughter the couple started fighting. Also, things were strangely dumped out of the drawers leaving the house in a complete mess. After being on each other’s throat for a few minutes, Susan and Matt decided to clean the mess before returning to sleep.  While cleaning, they found a huge footprint on the kitchen floor which was bigger than the footprints of the members of this family.

 Despite seeing this footprint, Matt was still in denial and Susan despite wanting to desperately leave the house had no other choice other than staying in as leaving it would leave her financially broke. These events caused the girls to stay in their rooms all day in fear.

Marie is Terrorized

 One day Marie was left all alone for a couple of hours as Matt and Susan had no other choice. As she sat alone in the hall watching tv in the empty house, the TV started rhythmically turning on and off. After over a dozen repetitions, the TV completely turned off. Marie thought that the TV was faulty and reached out to the nearby table to pick up the remote. While her hands almost touched the remote, it flew away as if someone had intentionally pushed it off. As she sat there frozen in fear, the rocking chair right in front of her started rocking back and forth. It appeared to her as if the invisible person who threw away the remote, slowly walked towards the rocking chair, sat on it and started staring at her. 

Creepy Chair

 While the chair was still rocking, the pictures on the walls started falling down on my own. Both Marie and Jamie had a habit of having a digital camera with them all the time to get evidence of the weird things happening in the house. So, Marie started capturing pictures of the room as the pictures kept falling and when she was overcome by her fear, she ran out of the room and called Susan and Matt asking them to return home as soon as possible.

 Sensing the fear in her voice, the couple rushed back home only to find the house in a complete mess. Susan embraced her to calm her down and once everything settled, they saw the pictures Marie had shot. The pictures showed unearthly light orbs moving around the room. At this point, Matt came out of his denial and finally accepted that something was wrong with the house.

A Murder Attempt

 A week later, Jaime was all alone in the house and while she was in her room, she started hearing someone pound hard at her door. The pounding was so hard that the door kept rattling. She had an instinctive feeling that she had to get out of the room to escape this entity. So, gathering all her courage, she slowly walked towards the doorknob to escape the room. As she was about to open the door, the pounding stopped and it appeared as if the entity that was doing it was waiting in the hallway waiting for her so she got back on her bed and curled her up in a foetal position. This increased the intensity of the pounding and it lasted for the next three hours. Luckily, Jaime had her camera with her and she was able to film it.

 Once the pounding stopped, she opened the room door and walked out of the room. The moment she stepped out, she noticed that hallway was filled with steelware like pans, knives, forks and all other things from the kitchen. The pivot of her room door was dented badly and the door knob was bent downwards. While looking at her door knob in horror, she noticed the lights of the bathroom near her room were flickering.

 The bathroom door did not have a door knob but it had a hole that was needed to fit it. Jaime rushed back into her room, got strings from her drawer, put them through the hole in the door and shut it close. She thought she had captured this entity inside this room but the door started opening all by itself. She held these strings tight and tried keeping the door shut using her entire body weight. But the string ripped off and she went flying back into her room and the door shut close all by itself. While in her room, she was able to hear the utensils on the wall hit on each other. The sounds eventually stopped and the moment they stopped, she started sensing the smell of smoke.

 She rushed out of her room thinking that something was on fire and her hallway this time along with the utensils, had paper strewn all over the place. She found that some of these paper pieces were set on fire and she smothered them off. These paper pieces led her into the hall where she understood that pieces of paper were strewn all over the house and this unknown entity had tried to light the house along with her in it. She ran out of the house and helplessly sat on the doorstep until the rest of the family returned.


 When Susan and Matt returned, she told them everything that had happened and showed them the footage she had recorded. This was the last straw and the family immediately moved out of the house despite knowing they will go bankrupt. A few days after them moving out, almost half a dozen of their neighbours moved out of their houses as well and also people who were in close vicinity to their locality moved out of their houses as well. The reason for this bunch abandoning their houses is obscure.