
Possessed Possessions : Terrorized by Suzy the Doll

8 minute read

 In 1983, during her sixth birthday party, Heather was gifted with a giant-sized doll named Suzy that resembled her. Heather’s aunt Robin made it herself and presented it to her during the birthday party organized by heather’s parents Linda and Jerry Platt. Linda had two elder sisters named Laura and Lisa, and Laura was the eldest one.

The Possession

 The night after the party, Linda was woken up from her sleep by a strange growling noise. She woke up Jerry and asked him to check what was making these loud sounds. When Jerry got out of bed and peeked out of the window to figure out the source of this sound, he noticed a shadow move up the street and it was coming towards them. Looking at Jerry’s confused face, Linda walked out of bed and looked into the same window only to see the shadow her husband was looking at. The shadow completely covered the street in darkness and it engulfed the streetlights on its way. Also, the growling became more prominent as the shadow got closer to them. All of sudden, this dark shadow vanished and the growling stopped.

 The next morning, as Heather along with her new doll Suzy was sitting on the couch and watching TV, Linda gave her cereal to eat. Leaving Suzy on the couch, Heather went to the kitchen to get a glass of milk for her cereal from her mother but when she returned, she found Suzy in a rocking chair that was present six feet away from the couch. Heather thought that her new inanimate friend had walked this distance and decided to keep this a secret. From this day onwards, Heather started spending a lot of time with Suzy and with time she also started speaking to it as if it had life. As this kept continuing, Linda started noticing the strangeness in her daughter’s behaviour but she did not give much attention to it.

Suzy Doll

Strange Events Commence

 One day, Linda was woken up from her sleep early in the morning because of the commotion in her kitchen. When she got down from her bed and walked towards the kitchen to investigate, she found the kitchen in a completely overturned state. The utensils were thrown all over the place, the stored food was spilt around and the floor had milk all over it. As Linda was trying to figure out what had caused this mess, Jerry came back home from his night shift. Jerry hated wasting food and thus, he was enraged by this sight. He immediately rushed to his daughters’ room thinking it was the work of one of his daughters and demanded them to confess the truth. The girls swore that it was not them who caused the mess but their parents just wouldn’t listen.

 Later that day, Jerry was woken up by a loud sound of static coming from the living room. As he walked towards the living room to investigate it, he saw the heavy furniture in the room piled up on the coffee table and they were arranged on top of each other as if they were building-block toys. Jerry found Heather sitting on a rocking chair with Suzy and in a trance state, she was looking at the television which had nothing but static on it. This event made Jerry understand that the reason behind the strange things happening in the house was not his daughters.

 Jerry suspected that an intruder was secretly entering their house as this was the only logical explanation he could come up with. Thus, he ended up changing all the locks in the house.

Terrorizing Lisa

 One night, Lisa was woken up from her sleep by the sound of children playing outside the house. Coincidentally, Laura woke up as well and she looked through the window to see who was making these sounds. To her surprise, she did not see anyone outside but they were still able to hear the sound of children playing. Although creeped out, the sisters decided to get back to sleep. While trying her best to sleep again, Lisa felt her neck, shoulder and ear turn cold as she heard someone whisper in her ear. The whispers stopped and Lisa eventually fell asleep.

 When she woke up the next day, Lisa found handfuls of her own hair in between her fingers. She ran to Linda in fear and when Linda examined her, she found a perfectly circular patch of hairless skin on Lisa’s head. With Lisa continuing to say that she did not do it, her parents took her to a specialist to determine the cause. Coincidentally, Heather found Suzy in her bead with multiple strands of hair on its fingers.

 The next night, as the family sat around the dining table for their dinner, they suddenly heard Heather say, “Bad things are going to happen in this house” with Suzy on her lap. The family were completely shocked hearing this not just because of her words but also because she never opened her mouth while saying this. The next day, they received the reports of the tests they ran on Lisa and it was determined that Lisa’s hair was forcibly plucked.

 A couple of days later, when Lisa opened her room door to take her roller skates, she saw Suzy sitting right in front of there and it appeared to be staring at her. Lisa who was already scared of the doll, called out to her mom asking her for help. When she walked back into the room with her mom, Suzy had disappeared. Moments later, she heard a noise come from the bathroom and when she opened the bathroom door, she saw Suzy sitting on the toilet with its pant down. Linda calmed her daughter down and took her out of the room.

Heather's parents witness the Paranormal

 One day, after finishing his night shift, Jerry was trying to fall asleep in the house. When he almost slept, he started hearing loud clattering sounds coming from the kitchen. When he walked towards the kitchen to investigate, he found things thrown all around the kitchen just like the previous time. The only difference was that he found chairs on the table and they only had their front two legs on the table. The back two legs of the chairs were floating in mid-air as if something invisible was holding them. When Jerry tried to lift the chair off the table, he was able to do it without any resistance and this meant that the chair was not being held by a string. At this point, Jerry understood that something paranormal was sharing their house with them. Jerry told his wife Linda about this incident but she did not believe him.

 The next afternoon, Linda moved Suzy from the couch to the rocking chair and settled down to have her lunch. While having her lunch, Linda saw a single marble roll towards her from the hallway. Seconds later, a second marble rolled towards her daughters’ room. Linda thought that she had an intruder and walked towards her daughters’ room to investigate. Linda heard a noise come from the closet in their room but when she opened it, she found nothing inside. In fact, the room showed no signs of an intruder. Linda returned to the living room with a confused mind and right in the middle of the floor, she found two marbles placed perfectly. Coincidentally, Suzy was not present in the rocking chair. Also, Linda found clothes thrown all over the dining room and these were the clothes she had planned to fold after lunch.

 Finally, Linda and Jerry agreed that the house had a paranormal cohabitant. Despite this problem, they couldn’t move out of the house because of financial reasons and the only thing they could do was protect their daughters.

 When Jerry was sleeping one morning after returning from his night shift, he was woken up by a sharp burning sensation on his arm. The pain was so intense that Jerry rolled off the bed and fell down. As he lay down on the floor clutching his arm, two spindles from his bed unscrewed themselves from the posts, slowly turned towards him in mid-air and flew towards him with great force. Hearing Jerry scream, Linda rushed towards him only to see four deep scratch marks on his upper arm and they caused profuse bleeding. The family were petrified because of this event and they immediately ran out of the house.

Lorraine Warren visits the family

 After Lewis (Jerry’s reverend) suggested having a paranormal investigator named Lorraine Warren investigate their house, she was called to the house. Lorraine gathered Jerry, Linda, Lura and Lisa around the kitchen table, made them hold their hands and started reciting a prayer. As she kept reciting, the family started hearing loud scrapping sounds around them and it was followed by a cold wind that circled them. Suddenly they heard Heather screaming from her bedroom asking them to go out of the house. 

 They immediately rushed to her room and when they entered, they noticed that Heather was screaming while still asleep. As Lorraine continued her chants, Heather started swearing at them with a voice which was clearly not hers. When she eventually woke up, Heather did not remember anything that happened. Lorraine told Jerry and Linda that their daughter was about to be possessed and told them to seek the help of an exorcist.


 Father McKenna accompanied by another priest visited Jerry’s house to perform the exorcism ritual. Father McKenna made the entire family sit near one end of the room and instructed them not to look back. A few seconds after he started the ritual, loud scraping and growling sounds started echoing around the room. This was the same growl Linda heard on the streets previously. Even though the windows were completely closed, a hurricane started blowing across the room. The cross in the room slowly turned upside down and the rocking chair on which Suzy was placed started rocking aggressively. It was at this point, Linda understood that Suzy was the one behind the occurrences in the house.

 As the rituals kept getting intense, the priests told the family to leave the house until they finished the ritual. The family left their house and resumed playing until the house became silent. After eventually finishing the ritual, the priests left the house and one of them gave Jerry a look that made him think that everything would be alright. The family decided to stay away from the house for a couple of days and while they were walking out, Linda heard the rocking chair on which Suzy was present, rock on its own. She immediately ran back into the house, grabbed Suzy and threw it into the dumpster. Linda was only relieved when she saw the garbage truck take the doll away. After this, the family did not experience anything paranormal in their house.