
Obscure Occurrences : The Omnivore Trials

7 minute read

 In 2018, James and Brittany Campbell got married in Las Vegas. The two of them had personalities that complemented each other perfectly which made them a perfect couple. Also, James was a single father of two young boys and Brittany made a perfect mother. James who was working in the U.S. Navy was given orders to spend a couple of years working out of a naval base in Hawaii. So in 2019, a family of 4 along with their family cat Mr Franklin moved into a modest two-story house in a quiet suburb in Hawaii.

The Garage Incident

 In June 2019, which was only a few weeks after they had moved in, the Campbells did not completely unpack their luggage and dumped the unpacked boxes in the garage of their house. One day in the same month, Brittany went into the garage to pick up one of these unpacked boxes. When she opened the door and switched on the light, she saw almost all of these boxes toppled over and the things in them were spilt out. This chaos, however, looked like it was done intentionally by someone. It appeared as if someone had intentionally taken random things out of the box and piled them up in a strange manner.

 She immediately ran out of the garage, ran into James' room and literally dragged him to the garage to show the mess. James just like his wife was shocked when he saw the state of their garage and his immediate suspicion was an attempted robbery. The couple looked for their valuables in the garage and nothing was missing. This made him conclude that the mess was not the work of a robber but his sons but, even they told him that they were innocent. So finally, the blame was put on their house pets and the family completely forgot about the incident in a few days.

Doors Shut and Open

 One week after this garage incident, Brittany was getting ready to go out with her friends. With no one else in the house, she was sitting in front of the mirror in her bedroom putting on her eyeliner. It was then she heard the main door shut close. Brittany initially thought it was her husband or sons who had come back home and called out their names loud but she got no response. She went out of her room in fear and checked each and every corner of the house but there was no one else in the house. She was extremely scared but she convinced herself thinking that it should have been either her husband or one of her sons who came into the house. They should have left something inside or taken something and left the house again. She then went out of the house and returned back only in the evening.

 When she returned, she found her husband and kids already in the house. She immediately told her husband about the events that morning and asked if he had returned home to drop off or pick something up. James told her that neither he nor the boys returned to the house that morning and it could have been wind shutting a slightly open door. The couple started arguing about this as Brittany was sure that she closed the door completely but James told she might have not. Thus, the couple ended up going to sleep filled with anger that night.

 Middle of the night, Brittany was woken up by the sound of their main door opening. As she listened to the sound keenly, the door shut close again. In a few moments, she heard another door in the house open and close. She immediately woke up James but he said that he locked the main door himself and still insisted that Brittany was getting paranoid over nothing significant. Saying this he went back to sleep. Brittany was not convinced by this and walked towards the main door to investigate. She saw that the door was not locked as James had claimed and immediately rushed to her son's room to see if it was them but they were sound asleep. She woke them up and the way they spoke looked like they had been asleep for quite some time.

 She rushed back to her bedroom, woke up James and told him that the main door was not locked. This slowly got into a heated argument. All of a sudden, they heard the backyard door shut close and the couple became silent. James said that this could also be because of the wind and went back to sleep. But eventually, even James would understand that something was wrong around them.

Things get creepier

 A few days later, James was all alone in the house playing his piano in the hall. During the entire time, James constantly felt as if someone was watching him. As he stretched his neck, he noticed a figure near the window in his peripheral. When he turned, he saw the figure of a man standing behind the curtain-covered window. As he approached this figure, it moved towards the house’s backyard and magically disappeared. James convinced himself thinking he was making it up but deep down he understood something was terribly wrong.

Shadow behind window

 Later that week, the family decided to go out for a movie and while stepping out, Brittany decided to take her favourite blanket to keep her warm. But despite searching the entire house, she was not able to find it. So, she ended up going to the theatre without it. When the family returned home, they were shocked to see Brittany’s favourite blanket perfectly folded and placed on the couch. This made the atmosphere in the house extremely eerie and they decided to go back to their home town for a few days.

A Stranger in the house

 On 20 September 2019, the family returned back to their house and they were greeted by James’ bike in the hallway. James clearly remembered locking it in his garage and he was not sure about how it was lying on the driveway. When they opened the garage to park their car, they found it in a completely chaotic state. Random stuff was piled around just like the previous time but this time there were random drug bottles along with the piles. The family quickly concluded that they were robbed and Brittany called 911. Securing the kids in the car, James took his Sledge hammer with him and tried to open the front door.

 But despite the lock opening, he was able to feel a strong resistance while he tried to open it and it felt as if someone was pushing it from the other side. As he was barging into the door, he tried to peek into the house through the slightly opened door. While he was peeking, a pair of eyes appeared on this small opening and he heard the voice of a man say, this is not your house. He garnered all his strength and burst open the door. He threw out this man from his house into the front yard and held his sledgehammer over him until the police came. This man was a 23-year-old named Ezekiel. This was a normal case of robbery or was it not?

Omnivore Trials

 When James entered into the house, he found it in a mess but that was quite common in a robbed house. However, the strange part is that his sons’ room was perfectly neat. When he entered his room, he saw a bunch of knives and other sharp knives over a towel on his bed and near these objects was a laptop. When he opened the laptop, a document opened up and it was titled, “Omnivore Trials” and below that, it said “A rehabilitation for rat-like people”.

 This entire document was a sort of diary which had observations of the Campbells whom he referred to as the rat people. It had intricate details and it appeared as if Ezekiel was stalking them obsessively. The document ended with a conclusion that Ezekiel had to do several surgeries on the specimens aka the Campbells. These surgeries included limp amputations and gender reassignment surgeries. He also added a detailed note of the surgeon tools he needed and the sharp objects near this laptop were precisely those. He also added a note of the list of drugs and chemicals needed to sedate them and these were found in their garage.

 It was found out that Ezekiel knew a way to sneak in and out of the house and he predominantly stayed in between the crawl space of the house stalking the Campbells. The motive for his erratic intentions stays obscure.