
Eerie Encounters : " Why did I invite her into my room"

6 minute read

All about the Protagonist

 James was a 30-year-old man who worked as a financial consultant in a private firm. He was an extremely successful guy who was also extremely conscious of his health. He was an extremely confident man who maintained an excellent relationship with his neighbours. Also, he had the ability to befriend people within minutes hence he had a lot of friends. James had to often travel to other places due to his work and being an avid traveller, he loved his work. Despite being a successful and friendly man, James had been single for a long time. Although he was not concerned by this, his parents constantly tried to get him married to a girl. But their attempts always failed despite John trying his best.

Meeting an unknown woman

 One day, John was told that he had to leave for another city the next day for a client meeting and this trip would last for three days. On hearing it, James was elated as the city he had to go to was always on his bucket list and he was getting to visit it for free. He packed the things he needed for that trip and went to sleep peacefully. The next day was extremely hectic and James finally reached his destination late in the evening. He checked into the hotel room and as he was completely exhausted as he dozed off immediately. Filled with excitement, he ventured into the city the very next day. Just as always, he ended up making a lot of connections and before he could realize it, the day ended. As the sun was about to go below the horizon, James remembered that he had to prepare for the presentation he had to give the next day.

 James started his preparations and by the time he took his first break, the clock had already struck 10. He decided to finish off his dinner before continuing his preparations and headed out of his hotel room for dinner. During his dinner, he saw an attractive woman. This woman was older than him but he immediately got attracted towards her persona. He immediately approached her and introduced himself to her and within a few minutes, there was a good rapport building up between them. With their alcohol dosage increasing, their normal conversation slowly turned into romantic flirtations and James was starting to fall in love with this woman.

 James invited her to his hotel room to which she readily agreed. So, the couple went back to James’ room and as soon as they got in, this woman told she had an urge to puke and rushed into the bathroom. However, there was no sound from the bathroom that suggested someone was puking inside. James waited outside the bathroom anxiously waiting for his newly found love to come out. After waiting for over 15 minutes, James started knocking on the door to check if she was alright. But as there was no response, he decided to break into the bathroom. He firmly charged on the door and the next moment he found himself on the floor of an empty bathroom. It was then he realized that the door was actually not locked and his new crush had magically disappeared.

Paranormal Events

 He couldn’t comprehend this event and tried to find a logical explanation for it. But since he couldn’t arrive at one, he decided to check the CCTV feeds of the hotel. He went to the hotel’s security officer, told him what had happened and successfully persuaded him into showing the feed. James was shocked as the feed showed only him and not the lady and he appeared as if he was talking to thin air. He immediately rushed back to the restaurant where he met this woman but it was already closed. All confused he returned back to his room and proceeded to finish the final details of his presentation.

 While he was almost done, he heard a knock on the room door. By the time he reached the door, the intensity of the knock had increased so much that the door started to rattle. He thought that it was an emergency and swiftly opened the door. When he opened it, he saw his new crush staring at him with an emotionless face. As he looked into her eye, the woman gave an eerie grin and when he blinked his eyes she disappeared. 

Creepy Grin

 He thought he was making things up and went back to finish his work. He finished off his work, got things ready for the next day and closed his eyes to sleep. When he was half asleep, he heard his new crush’s whispers in his ear. He started to feel sensually touched and these sensual touches slowly turned into forced sexual stimulations. At this point, he swiftly opened his eyes to see who was doing this but there was no one other than him in the room. When he turned on his lights and turned, he saw his new crush’s face right in front of him.

 He literally passed off in fear and woke up only the next day. He rushed to his meeting and barely made it in time. Once his work was done, he decided to go to the restaurant he had been to the previous night to know more about that woman. When he entered it, a waiter asked him if he was alright. When James asked this waiter why he asked it, he said that he was speaking to himself the previous night. James left the place at once as he understood the woman never appeared in anyone else’s eyes. When he returned back to his room it was already 6 pm and he proceeded to take a bath. When he was in the shower, he started feeling sensual touches on his back. These became painful touches in no time and visible cuts started appearing on his back.

 He rushed out of the shower in fear and tried to find a rational explanation for what just happened. As he stood there thinking, he started hearing unclear whispers in his ears and fresh cuts started appearing on his chest and abdomen. He rushed out of the bathroom, dressed up and left the hotel room at once. He stayed out all night and returned to the room only the next morning to pack his luggage as he had his return ticket booked for that afternoon. When he returned to the room, he found symbols drawn all over his clothes. This scared him so much that he ended up leaving his clothes in the room itself and vacating it. Surprisingly, he never had any such incidents after he vacated the hotel room.