
Eerie Encounters : A Fancy Suicide Plot

6 minute read

 On June 29, 2003, a 14-year-old named John was brutally stabbed. His friend who was alongside him during this event told the police that an unknown woman was the one who attacked his friend. According to Mark, the woman was in her early twenties and wore a black hooded jacket and black jeans. John had one light wound on his chest and another six-inch-deep wound on his abdomen. His kidney and liver were pierced and his gall bladder was completely damaged and it had to be removed. John almost died twice on the operating table. His abdominal cavity was pooled with blood which restricted his diaphragm from moving. This disrupted the functioning of his lungs.

Stab Wound

 John spent days together in Wythenshawe Hospital before he was finally discharged. Once he was stable enough to speak, the police started questioning him about the woman who assaulted him. After constant persuasion, John reluctantly told the police that the one behind his assault was his best friend, Mark. Mark told John, “I love you, bro” and brutally stabbed him twice. When the police investigated Mark, he right away agreed that he stabbed his friend. As this case unfolded, it was revealed that it was nothing but a fancy suicide plot.

Mark and John end up in a Chatroom 

 Mark was a 16-year-old not so bright student who worked part-time as a dishwasher in a restaurant. He belonged to a modest family in a modest town. Four months before this incident, Mark came across an internet chatroom. The chatroom was predominantly filled with teenagers who flirted with each other. Mark slowly started getting addicted to it and eventually, he was obsessed with it. This led to a sudden change in his behaviour and his grades at school dropped drastically.

 A complete contrast to Mark, John was an extremely bright student. However, this 14-year-old lived in a troubled household. His mother had a multitude of boyfriends who often visited their house. John never knew who his father was and thought that he was one of his mother’s ex-boyfriends. John hated being at his home and desperately desired a happy and adventurous life far away from his house. He came across this chatroom in this state of mind and it made him feel better.

Mark's virtual girlfriend

 In this chatroom, Mark grew a strong romantic attraction towards a girl named Raichel after seeing her pictures and flirting with her and he ended up directly messaging her. To his surprise, Raichel too had an interest in him and they ended up chatting the entire night. As their virtual interactions went on, she introduced Mark to one of her friends in the chatroom who was none other than John. She opened a private chatroom for the three of them and they grew closer with each passing moment. With time, Mark and Raichel fell into a virtual love while John stayed a mutual friend. Mark and John started meeting each other in person and eventually started hanging out together. Rachel however, was completely virtual and did not even show herself on her webcam.

 After Mark constantly kept asking her for a meetup, she finally agreed and asked him to come to her house but Mark abandoned the plan at the last minute in fear. This happened multiple times before they came to the conclusion that they were would have a completely virtual relationship.

Mark's virtual girlfriend dies

 With things going fine, one day, a new person named Kevin joined their private chatroom. He told them that he was a stalker with a foot fetish. They kept ignoring him until he told Mark that he had kidnapped his girlfriend Raichel. He told Mark that he would kill Raichel if he did not send him a picture of his feet. Mark without informing the police about it, sent him the picture he asked and Rachel returned to the chatroom the next day. She told him that she was sorry for the embarrassment he had to go through because of her.

 Both Raichel and Kevin became inactive in the chatroom the very next day. Mark started missing his virtual girlfriend very badly and started ranting to John. With time, the other members of the public chatroom started speaking about how a member killed another member. They speculated that Raichel was killed by Kevin as they were inactive for a really long. Mark was heartbroken by hearing it but still did not approach the police.

Manipulated Mark

 In this broken state, he received a direct message from a person named Jeanette. She said that she was a 40-year-old woman who worked as a real estate agent. Also, she claimed to be a spy for the British Secret Service and the 3rd most powerful person in the whole of England. She told him that she was sent to recruit him and he had to travel to London for initiation. While a normal person in his right mind would have right away figured out it was not true, gullible Mark believed her. She told him that he would gain an enormous amount of wealth and would also be her boyfriend if he accepted it. When he accepted the offer, she told him that he had to do pass two tests to prove himself before initiation. She also told him that his mother would be informed about it and he need not worry about it.

 She told Mark that John’s actual name was James and he was an important figure in England. Jeanette told him that his first test was to protect John the next day. Mark obliged and just as she told spent the next day guarding John without his knowledge. When he returned back home and opened the chatroom, he found a message left by Jeanette. It told him that he passed his first test. She then proceeded to tell him that a vault that had a huge sum of money was present deep in the Atlantic Ocean. This vault belonged to the Queen of England and John AKA James had to have himself scanned by the vault for it to open.

 She told him that John was on the verge of death because of a tumour and he had to be killed to secure his body. Thus, killing John became Mark’s second and final test. She told Mark that he would not be arrested and she would come to the murder site to save him from the cops. Mark who had trusted her completely by then proceeded to do it. However, after he stabbed John, Jeanette never arrived. It was then he realised he was being manipulated by someone to kill his own friend. The Identity of this someone would be revealed in the court which would leave everyone shocked.

The Great Reveal

 It was revealed that the one behind the murder attempt on John was John himself. In fact, all the people in that chatroom including Raichel, Kevin and Jeanette were only virtual and they were created by John himself. But why did he do it?

 John fell in love with Mark and proceeded to create a character named Raichel. When he grew jealous of the love Mark had for this character, he created a new character named Kevin and killed it. To find how gullible he was, he created a character named Jeanette and made-up stuff that a sane person would not believe. But Mark believed it. At this point, John felt that if the truth was revealed, the bond he had with him would break. So, the only that could save that bond according to him was his own death. So he plotted his own murder and executed it with Mark under the guise of Jeanette.