Obscure Occurrences : The Mysterious Death of Christopher Case
About the Protagonist
A 35-year-old man named Christopher Case was living his life in the best way he could until early 1999. He moved to Seattle to pursue a music career and successfully got a job at a music company in which he quickly scaled up to executive rank. He was extremely fit and was known for hitting the gym on every day of the week. He stuck to a perfectly balanced diet and took the right supplements to aid his perfect health condition.
He was really friendly to people and had a lot
of friends. But despite his goodwill and popularity, he stayed single for
years. Although he was not seeking a partner, his friends and family constantly
tried to set him up on dates. Chris, however, was really not interested in
these dates. Instead of going on these dates, he would stay at home all alone
and listen to his favourite music which was nothing but ancient Egyptian music.
Chris is Cursed
On April 11, 1999, Chris who was in San
Francisco with a couple of his colleagues because of a business trip went for dinner with them. One of his colleagues, brought along a friend who lived in
that area. This friend who was an old woman was very attractive and looked
intense. Chris guessed that she was 20 years older than him. So, Chris, his
colleagues and this woman sat down to have their dinner and start having a good
conversation. As the conversations continued, this old woman started to take an
interest in Chris.
Even Chris took an interest in her as they
had a lot of things in common. Similar to Chris, this woman also had an extreme
passion for ancient Egyptian music which she confessed to him. This woman’s interest
in Chris appeared to be romantic whereas his interest in the woman was strictly
platonic. He was visibly excited as he talked about something he loved and their
conversation about music went on for hours.
Later, the woman asked if Chris would leave
with her and accompany her to her place. Chris politely declined it as he was
not romantically interested in her. She started becoming aggressive and persistently
asked him to come with her. Chris started to feel uncomfortable as his
rejection was not being respected and told her that he had been out for too
long and stood up to leave. It was at this point, her flirty tone flipped into
anger and frustration. She told him, “I’m actually a witch and I’m going to put
a curse on you. You’re gonna be dead within a week”. Being a sceptic, Chris
shooed it off and walked back to his room. As that was the last day of his
trip, the very next morning he flew back to Seattle.
The Calm before the Storm
As soon as he landed in Seattle, he called his
close friend Sammy and shared his weird experience with her. They started to
burst out in laughter and neither of them took the curse seriously. Sammy told
him that he had dodged a bullet by not going to her place. Chris ended the call
in good spirits and fell back into his routine in the next 24 hours. In fact, everything
went normally for the first 48 hours after meeting the woman. However, things
would not stay the same after that.
Whispers and Shadows
On the night of 13th April, Chris
who lived all alone in his house got into his bed early just as always and
closed his eyes to sleep. Just before he fell asleep, he heard whispers coming
from the kitchen area. As Chris was trying his best to comprehend the
situation, the whispers stopped. Relieved, Chris thought that he was just
making it up and closed his eyes again. Just a few moments later, the whispers
commenced again but this time, it was not coming from the kitchen area. Chris
thought that he had burglars inside the house and immediately went to the room
from where the whispers were coming. As he peeked into the room, the whispering
As he stood there visually inspecting this
room, he saw a shadow figure run across the room in his peripheral. At this
point, Chris genuinely thought that he had burglars in his house and swiftly turned
all the lights in his apartment. As he was running around trying to turn on the
lights, he started hearing whispers right around him. The whispering kept
moving from one place to another and Chris was not able to understand what was
happening. The whispers shifted to another place when he checked the previous
area of emittance and the shadowy figures that appeared in his peripheral
disappeared when he looked straight at them. The entire night went with him
chasing whispers and shadowy figures inside his apartment.
As soon as the sun came up the next morning,
he called his friend Sammy and explained the events to her in panic. He told
her that he was sure that it was not caused by a person and that was the reason
he did not call the police. He felt that police would see him as a lunatic if
he told them that a shadowy figure that whispered was harassing him in his apartment.
In fact, Sammy would say to the police that Chris who was a complete sceptic was completely
terrified of the things that happened in his apartment. She said that she was
shocked to hear him say that he was scared of voices and shadows in his apartment.
The occurrences did not change the next night, and Chris was forced to endure the whispers and shadows for the second night in a row. But on the second night, he was able to get see the shadowy figure clearly and was able to almost touch it. Every time he got close enough to touch it, it would disappear right in front of him.
Attacked by an Unknown
After two almost sleepless nights, Chris started to question his sanity and he was determined to sleep the next night. The next night, he got onto his bed and eventually slept. In the middle of that night, he was woken up by whispers again. As he opened his eyes, he felt as if his body was paralyzed. In this paralyzed state, he heard the whispers come from outside his bedroom. It stopped for a moment and resumed from the closet in his room. It stopped for a moment again and resumed from underneath his bed.
As he lay there paralyzed, the shadowy figure
he had seen on the previous nights, slowly emerged near his bed and started
choking him. The figure lifted him from the bed and threw him back on it which put
him into an unconscious state. Sounds like sleep paralysis? You will
understand it is not as you read further. When he woke up, he found his bed
sheets drenched in blood. As he looked at his hands, he understood that the blood
was actually his. The tips of all his ten fingers had incisions made on them. He
slowly got out of his bed and looked into a mirror to see what was making his
neck sensitive. His face turned pale because of what he saw. His neck was extremely
bruised and the marks looked like a person’s hand prints.
Chris immediately called his friend Sammy and
expressed his fear of death to her. Sammy who was feeling helpless asked him to
seek the help of the police. Chris immediately rejected the idea as he thought
they would label him crazy
Road to Chris's Demise
Chris started to accept the fact that he was actually cursed by that witch. He decided to face it head-on and went to a nearby store that sold things related to the paranormal. After seeking advice from the store owners, he bought a few books, candles, crucifixes and salt for his home. He proceeded to hang those crucifixes all around the house and made strips of salt on the entrance of rooms, near the walls and around his bed. On the night of April 16th, Chris would experience something so dreadful that he ended up leaving his apartment in the middle of the night and spent the remaining night at a nearby hotel.
The whereabouts of Chris after that night were
not known and Sammie requested the police to check if he was alright. When the
police went to his apartment, they found it locked. They told Sammie that he might
return in a couple of days and asked her to inform them if he did not return even
after two days. Sammie was frustrated by their response but she could do
Upon hearing this, Sammie immediately called the police and pressured them to check his apartment once again. The police, however, asked her to wait until tomorrow. Out of sheer helplessness, Sammie went to sleep and decided to reach out to Chris all by herself the next day. On the morning of April 18th, Sammie got to know that Chris had not turned up for work. She called the police and persistently asked them to visit his apartment. The police finally went to his apartment and found the front door unlocked. As they ventured into the apartment, they saw burnt-down candles, salt, crucifixes relics, and notes written on torn pieces of paper all around the house. The police found Chris dead in his bathtub. He was fully clothed and lay in an empty bathtub.
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