
Horrific Hauntings : The Long Island Haunting

9 minute read

Inhibiting the Haunted House

 On January 23, 2005, A firefighter named Curtis Meyran, lost his life in a fire accident in New York. This day would then be remembered as Black Sunday by the people of New York ever since, as along with Curtis, two other firefighters would have died that day.

 Curtis’s wife Jeanette and his two daughters Danine and Angela understandably were devastated by their father’s sudden demise. Since these events gained nationwide attention, the family were constantly pestered by the media which further intensified their mental suffering. Also, the house they lived in was built by Curtis himself and his memories haunted them when they stayed in the house. As a result, the family decided to move somewhere far from their current home. So, Jeanette began her house hunt online during which, she stumbled upon a property that seemed a steal for its asked price. Also, this house was situated on the outskirts of the city.

 Jeanette visited this property and upon inspection understood that the house needed to be restored. However, she ended up buying the house as her husband’s firefighter friends offered to help her with the renovations. Quickly after purchasing the house, even before renovating it, the family moved into the house.

The Family’s first Paranormal Experience

 During the mass renovation of the house, a lot of its windows and doors were in need of being removed and Jeanette was worried about the property’s security. So, she ended up fixing seven surveillance cameras all around the house and these cameras live-streamed the footage to her laptop. Jeanette started to watch this footage to while away the time. One day, in one particular feed that showed an area of the house which was adjacent to the woods, she saw something disturbing

 In the feed, she saw a figure that appeared to be a cloaked man emerge slowly out of the woods and walk through the driveway of the house. He stopped at a point and started eerily staring at the house. As Jeanette continued watching the feed, the man walked back into the woods and disappeared. Since the quality of the feed was not that great, Jeanette was not able to clearly figure out what she had seen on it and as she stood there wondering what it was, her daughters experienced their first paranormal experiences in that house

 While Jeanette stood there wondering, Angela who was upstairs reading a book while leaning on the wall behind her bed, heard someone taping on the wall she was leaning on. The sound of the taps increased with time and eventually it felt as if someone was trying to get her attention. She went near the room door, opened it slightly and peeked through it to see who was taping the wall but to her surprise, she found no one. As she figured out that her sister’s room was closed and her mom was looking into her laptop, she thought that she was making it up and went back to her room to continue reading her book. To make sure that she was the one making it up, she placed her ear on the wall to see if the sound still persisted. As soon as her ear touched the wall, she heard a loud thud on the wall which petrified her. She jumped onto her bed and hid under the blanket in terror.

 At the same time, Danine heard someone knock on her room’s door. However, when she opened it, she found no one. Seeing her mother in the hall and her sister's room closed, she thought that the knocks were just her imagination. When she closed the door and got back into her room, she heard someone knocking again but this time it was three distinctive knocks. When she opened the door, similar to the previous time, she found none. The young girl shut the door and snuck under her bed in fright. The next day, Jeanette overheard her daughters speaking about the experiences they had the previous day. She immediately intervened in their conversation and told them that since they were new to the house, normal sounds of the house were creeping them out.

Pentagrams, pentagrams and even more pentagrams

 A few days later, the renovation of the basement commenced. While clearing the basement, her husband’s friends found that it was cluttered with unused items. When they completely cleared the basement of these things, they found a pentagram (A five-edged star surrounded by a circle) and called Jeanette to show it to her. 


 In order to prevent their daughters from freaking out, she asked them to cover it with paint. Her daughters, however, had found multiple pentagrams all around their house but hid them from their mother thinking that she would be unnerved if she came to know about it.

The Kitchen Incident

 One day, Angela had to stay all alone in the house for a few hours and during this period, her mother asked her to clean the refrigerator. As she was cleaning the refrigerator in the kitchen, Angela constantly felt the presence of someone else around her. The presence became so intimidating that she decided to clean the refrigerator after her mom returned. Thus, as she closed the refrigerator door, she was startled by the sound of multiple utensils being thrown around. She ran to her room in fear and curled herself up in a corner of the room.

 When Jeanette returned, she was terrified looking at the state of her kitchen and immediately ran to her daughter’s room to check on her. Angela explained to her what had happened and Jeanette couldn’t reject it just because of the look Angela had on her face while telling it. Jeanette was induced into a guilt trip for not being able to help her daughters.

A Journal inside the wall

 The renovation was reaching its final stages and the walls of the house were the next on the checklist. While demoing on the walls, the crew found a journal tied in lace and they handed it over to Jeanette. The journal had the year the house was constructed, a photo of its original owner and a few weird drawings. On looking at these drawings for a few more seconds, Jeanette figured out that they were sacrifice ritual drawings and all of them pointed to the basement of the house. Yet again, to avoid scaring her daughters, she destroyed the journal.

Troubled Again

 One day, while Angela was in her room listening to songs on her headphone, she heard someone call out her name. She went out of her room to check if her mom or sister had called her but, her mom was washing the dishes and her sister was in the bathroom taking a shower. Because of the previous experiences she had in the house, she went back to her room in fear. As she entered her room, she heard the voice call her again but this time it said,” Call Danine”. Before she could comprehend what she had heard, she heard her sister shout at the top of her voice from the bathroom.

 Angela and her mother rushed into the bathroom and saw Danine curled up on the floor. They wrapped her in a towel and took her back to her room. So, why did Danine shout? She heard the voice of a man and his footsteps in the bathroom and as she looked through the frosted shower room glass to see who it was, a huge hand hit the glass hard. After hearing this, Jeanette wanted to leave the house at once with her daughters but her financial investment and the renovation efforts her husband’s friends had put into the house stopped her.

Return of the Black-Cloaked Man

 Angela was finding it hard to say in the house and she always went out every time she had a chance. One such day, she went out of the house and sat on a swing near the driveway. Jeanette, who was washing the dishes, made sure she had her eyes on her daughter and kept watching her through the window. Once her washing was done, she went to the hall, opened her laptop and watched over her daughter through the camera feeds.

 As she watched, she saw the same black-cloaked figure she had seen before, come out of the woods and stand right next to her daughter. As she ran out of the house toward her daughter, she heard the screams of her daughter. When she went near Angela, the figure was already gone and Angela was on the ground with a badly hurt ankle. She said that someone had pushed her hard from the swing.

Angela sees it

 After this incident, Jeanette never left her daughter alone at the house. One day, however, she had to go to a pharmacy and she was forced to leave Angela all alone in the house after a long time. As soon as Jeanette left the house, Angela went to her room, put on her headphones, played her favourite music and closed her eyes in an attempt to sleep. With her closed eyes, she heard loud banging sounds dominate the song that was playing on her headphones. When she opened her eyes to see what was causing the sound, she saw her closet door rattling. She snuck under her bed in fear, crawled towards the wall and looked at the closet door. As she kept staring at the door, she saw it forcefully open and a figure walked out of it. The only part of this figure that looked human was its feet. The figure slowly walked towards her bed, stood near it for a few minutes and walked out of the room. Angela gave out a sigh of relief as she heard it go downstairs.

 When the sound of its footsteps stopped, Angela tried crawling out but while she was halfway out, she heard the figure come running up the stairs. It ran into the room and stood right in front of the bed with its toes pointing towards her. The figure jumped on top of her bed and then it descended its head slowly with its sunken eyes staring right at Angela throughout. This figure had skin rotting away from its head. Angela screamed in horror and the head went back quickly. The very next moment, Angela heard it jump off the bed but it was nowhere to be seen. Its footsteps, however, were being heard all around the house. Angela went through this ordeal for almost 45 minutes after which her mother returned.

 After conducting multiple cleansing ceremonies at the house, the paranormal events stopped. The family stills reside in this house with one obscure question. “What in actuality, haunted this house?”.