
Horrific Hauntings : The House Haunted by a Ghost named Sallie

4 minute read

 In a quiet and scenic town named Atchinson in Kansas sits a haunted house whose characteristics are completely different from its locality. A ghost named Sallie had reportedly made this house its home and this has given the house its well-known name, "The Sallie House". It is claimed that even the bravest of hearts break emotionally inside the house because of the eerie atmosphere it offers.

The Sallie House


 Built during the mid-1800s by the Finneys, it was used by Dr Charles Finney as his clinic. He was a local physician and used the house to practice medicine. He used the bottom floor to perform surgery and examinations and used one of the bedrooms as his office. The family initially lived inside the building but eventually moved out because of the limited space inside the house.

 One dreadful night, a panicking mother bought her six-year-old daughter named Sallie to the house for treatment. The kid was suffering extreme pain and the mother begged Charles Finney to treat her. After performing a thorough examination, he confirmed that she had appendicitis and decided to operate on her before her appendix burst.

 Because of the emergency, Charles Finney did not wait until the anaesthesia's effect was felt and proceeded to surgically operate on the girl. This however proved to be the wrong choice as Sallie died on the operation table itself. However, before her death, she went through extreme pain with reports saying her screams were heard throughout the street. After all, what else could a kid who is being cut open in a half-dozed state do other than scream? The house was left abandoned after this incident and locals say that occult rituals were performed in the house's basement after its abandonment.

 The house was later bought by a young couple, Tony and Debra Pickman who moved into it in 1993 with their newborn. They eventually moved out of the house again after Tony was attacked by an "Unknown entity" inside the house. This led to the house being featured on a Television Show named Sightings, which increased its popularity among the paranormal investigator's community.

 The Sallie House was listed on Zillow for 1 million USD in February 2016 and then its price greatly dropped to almost 500K USD in August 2016. In November 2017 it ended up being taken off the real estate market.

Paranormal Occurrences

 Some claim that the house is haunted by the spirit of Sallie while others claim that a demon that was called by the cultic rituals the house hosted haunts the house and apparently hides under the identity of Sallie's apparition. Also, after investigations, the Kansas Paranormal Group claimed that the phantom of a middle-aged woman also haunts the house.

 The house's former resident Tony reports seeing his dog growl at the empty spaces, mainly near the upstairs nursery. He also reported that he eventually started feeling scratches on his chest and abdomen while he stayed in the house. He says that the operating area grew cold all of a sudden and objects moved all on their own. He says that the event where he was lifted and pushed off the stairs by something that can't be explained proved to be the last straw. One of Atchison Chamber of Commerce's members, Andrea Clements, reports getting a headache and scratchy feeling in the back of her throat every time she enters the house.

 A paranormal investigator named Elijah had investigated the house multiple times and "Every time we've come, it's gotten progressively more intense, what we feel it's more dangerous" is what he has to say. He firmly believes that the house is haunted not just by Sallie but by something more sinister as well. During his investigations, he reports seeing balls and toys move on their own in the upstairs rooms and also reports hearing footsteps inside the house during the night.

 Visitors of the house say that their gadgets abruptly stop working inside the house only to work again after they leave the place. They also say that batteries drain extremely fast inside the house. Some have seen objects move on their own and some even say that things were aggressively thrown at them by something invisible. Many visitors reported seeing mysterious scratches and bruising on their bodies during and after the visit. It should be noted that most who report being hurt by the entities inside the house are men. Visitors have also reported being touched and feeling cold spots on their bodies. Some have also experienced sporadic mysterious drops in the temperature.

 The house not just scares people but also animals as trained guide dogs constantly refuse to enter the nursery and growl and bark at empty spaces. Many Psychics who have tried to commune with the entities inside the house have also claimed the house to be haunted and the house has also made many sceptics who enter it, leave it as believers of the paranormal.

Current State

 The house is now open for public visits and overnight stays which can be booked on their official website and continues to stay a hotspot for paranormal fanatics.