
Obscure Occurrences : The Lead Masks of Vintém Hill

8 minute read

 In the South-East regions of Rio de Janeiro sits Niteroi, a thriving municipality. Back in the 60s, it was an under-developed, poverty-stricken town, suffering the drawbacks of rapid industrialization which would later enable its notable growth. It had also played host to "The Lead Mask of Vintem Hill", one of the most uncanny mysteries in modern history.


 The late afternoon of 20th August 1966 was uncharacteristically hot considering it was mid-winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The skies had been clear with a heavy sun beating down after a long spell of relentless rain. Thus, causing the air in Niteroi to become still and humid, with not even the gentlest of breezes to offer relief from the sticky heat.

 However, the atmosphere of Vintem Hill was distinctly different from the grounds below. Here, Jorge De Costa Alves, an eighteen-year-old resident, was flying his kite, running through the long grass and cheering with delight. The high altitude offered cool and refreshing wind coming in off the bay, forming perfect circumstances for the kite’s uplift. As he ran around the lush slopes tugging on the trailing long string, he noticed a stench of decay before discovering a dark heap that stood out from its surroundings. The ground around the odd mass had been peppered with various items of clothing.

 At first, he assumed that someone had dumped their deplorable clothes on the hillside. However, upon venturing closer, he found the decomposing bodies of two men, buried under thick layers of clothes. He immediately rushed down the hill to fetch the police. Unfortunately, the authorities were not able to reach the bodies until the following day, due to failing light and difficult terrain.


 The next morning, several police officers and firemen arrived on the hillside, where they were greeted by a strangely odd scene. Partially covered by the long grass, lay the corpses of two men in their 30s, clothed in matching formal suits and raincoats. Next to them lay an empty water bottle and a package containing two wet towels. The most peculiar thing about them was that both men were wearing small lead masks over their eyes, which seemingly appeared to have been crudely cut from sheet metal. There were no signs of violence or struggle and the men carried very little money or valuables on them.

 In the pockets of the men’s raincoats, police found a number of receipts along with a notebook which contained a list of alphanumerical codes and a set of instructions which read, “16:30 be at the specified location, 18:30 ingest capsules, after the effect protect metals await signal mask.” The authorities were baffled by these findings, but with the help of a pair of driving licenses, they were soon able to identify the unfortunate pair as thirty-four-year-old Miguel Jose Viana and thirty-two-year-old Manoel Pereira de Cruz, two electrical technicians from Campos dos Goytacazes.

Miguel Jose Viana and Manoel Pereira de Cruz

 Shortly after the discovery, the decaying bodies were sent to the local coroner’s office for an autopsy, but citing the other cases at the time, they were not examined until a number of weeks later. By this stage, their internal organs had decomposed to the point where it was impossible to determine the circumstances of their death. Thus, Authorities concentrated their efforts on trying to understand the movements and intentions of Da Cruz and Viana, hoping that it would shed some light on the peculiarity.

 Police spoke to a number of witnesses in Niteroi, who claimed to have seen the men in the days leading up to their unanticipated deaths, following which they were able to establish a timeline of events. Da Cruz and Viana had travelled by bus from Campos to Niteroi on the 17th of August 1966, carrying enough money to purchase a used car. The purpose of the large sum is uncertain, but it is widely assumed that they were interested in purchasing electronic parts for their business.

 The men had arrived in Niteroi at 2:30 pm that afternoon following which they had purchased their raincoats from a local shop. Soon afterwards, they walked to a bar further up the street, where one of them ordered a bottle of water. In line with the accounts of the bar waitress, both men seemed to be agitated. Viana, in particular, had glanced nervously around the establishment, checking his watch every few minutes. The last time they were seen alive, they were riding in the back of a jeep driven by two unknown men, heading towards an unknown location. What happened from that point onward has remained a mystery ever since, and the questions surrounding their deaths are still prevalent.


 As with any bizarre and inexplicable death, the case gave rise to a torrent of speculation, especially from those within the paranormal community.

A Supernatural Explanation

 Brazil has been a hotbed for strange events, so it comes as no surprise that a supernatural angle has been applied to the story. In line with this theory, da Cruz and Viana were not merely average electronic repairmen. They were highly trained technicians who had engineered a device to conduit communication with extra-terrestrial beings. The communications had eventually made it possible for them to meet these beings, with arrangements made on Vintem Hill.

 Both men had been given a specific set of instructions and when they followed them, it is speculated that their consciousness moved out of their physical bodies and into some form of extra-terrestrial afterlife.

 Although it sounds unbelievable, investigators have discovered other aspects which connect the story with the supernatural realm. Reputable local newspapers reported the account of Gracinda Barbosa. The elderly local resident claimed having seen a bright orange spheroid-shaped UFO hovering over Vintem Hill on the twilight of the 17th of August, the same evening that da Cruz and Viana went up there. Furthermore, Elcio Gomes, a close friend of the two men, stated that the three of them were all part of “The Spiritual Scientists”, a local Fortean group.

 In line with his statement, they had built a device in their backyard two months prior to their death. The device allegedly facilitated communication with alien life forms, but it exploded shortly afterwards. To further corroborate the theory, many have postulated that the alphanumeric codes found in the notebook of the men were encrypted messages received through the device, which held the instructions given to them.

 “16:30 be at the specified location. 18:30 ingest capsules, after the effect protect metals await signal mask.” This is exactly how the instructions were written down. If speculative punctuation is incorporated, the meaning becomes a little more comprehendible. “16:30 be at the specified location. 18:30 ingest capsules, after the effect, protect metals. Await signal. Mask.” What the capsules were or how the unfortunate pair had come by them is unknown, thus making it difficult to determine their supposed effect.

 The protect metals line seems a little more cryptic, but as no valuables were found on either man, some have speculated that they were being instructed to remove their valuables. Finally, whatever signal they were supposed to look out for is also a mystery, but the word “Mask” seemingly refers to the small lead cut-outs which covered their eyes. With no see-through holes or stems to hook onto the ears, the masks had no practical functionality.

 However, the design of the masks suggests that they were intended to briefly protect the eyes from an intense light emanating from a blindingly bright source. This light source could have been a UFO.

 Although this theory might seem plausible in the eye of an open-minded believer, the likelihood of it being the explanation is scarce. The alphanumeric codes found in the notebook of the men were nothing more than part numbers of electronic components and thus, had no relevance to the investigation. Moreover, claims of UFO sightings had been made only by one person, and sightings of UFOs have been reported invariably in the aftermath of an inexplicable event.

Killed by Earthlings

 Many theorize that the deaths of the men have a rational explanation. They believe that the men were simply duped into coming into the hill, where they were robbed of their belongings. It had been suggested that they were targeted by a group of criminals led by Theresa, the leader of “The Spiritual Scientists.”

 Seeing them as naïve and easy prey, this group probably cultivated de Cruz and Viana’s trust over a period, promising to put them in contact with extra-terrestrials or to allow them to partake in spiritual enlightenment. They then provided them with the capsules and unusual instructions, just to ensure them that they were going to experience the extraordinary.

 Those capsules were more than likely a form of poison and once the two men died from it, they collected the money and valuables before fleeing. The fact that the huge sum of money in their possession had never been found, further corroborates the theory. However, this theory is nothing but speculation, as it has never been officially verified by the police.

Drug Overdose

 The members of “The Spiritual Scientists” believed that psychedelics opened the human mind to a wider range of frequencies and thus, served as a useful tool for establishing contact with extra-terrestrial beings. The two men, who were heavily indoctrinated by the pseudoscientific group, could have accidentally ingested a fatal dose of these drugs in their attempts to connect with the out-worldly beings.

 Alternatively, the two men could have consciously overdosed themselves. The indoctrination could have pushed them to the edges of delusion, making them believe that they were the chosen ones, and inducing the motive of suicide via psychedelic overdose.

 However, this theory loses its footing when the motive behind bringing the huge sum of money to Niteroi is taken into consideration. Furthermore, the lack of evidence to ascertain the ingestion of the fatal dose makes the theory inconclusive.


 As intelligent as da Cruz and Viana may have been, their belonging to a group calling themselves “Spiritual Scientists” demonstrates their desire in believing in the supernatural. As proven time and again, beliefs are often strong enough to defy and override simple logic, making them difficult for an individual to let go of. Their never-ending pursuit of higher intelligence could have caused them to suspend their critical thoughts, which could have otherwise saved them.

 Whatever the cause of their death, we sincerely hope that the souls of the two intelligent men rest in peace.