
Horrific Hauntings : Haunted by an Impersonating Demon

7 minute read

 After getting married in 1999, Mike and Stacy Stowe were living the life they had always dreamed of. The couple had their first son Cameron in 2002 and with Stacy pregnant, they were expecting their daughter in 2004. 

A Terrible Vision

 Mike was an easygoing man who was a great husband and a perfect father. One day in 2004, while the couple was playing on the lawn of their house with their son Mike, Stacy suddenly had an eerie vision out of the blue. In her vision, she saw her husband die in a car accident. Tears started rolling out of Stacy’s eyes and she was bought back to her senses by Mike. The next moment, Mike received a call asking him to come to work as there was an emergency. Mike who had just started his new job as an IT manager, obliged and left for his workplace driving his car.

 A couple of hours later, Stacy heard a police officer knock on her door. Stacy, who was still trying to shake off that eerie vision, heard something terrible from the police officer. Her vision had become true and her husband had died in a car crash. Stacy was devastated hearing this news and her perfect life fell apart. Unlike most widows, Stacy continued living in the same house even after her husband’s death. According to her, staying in this house made her feel like Mike was constantly around her. She eventually gave birth to her daughter and named her Bryn. After Mike’s death, Stacy remained single and she continued to take good care of her kids.

"Is that Mike?"

 Almost nine years after Mike’s death, strange things started happening in the house of the Stowes. One afternoon, while Stacy was cleaning the house after sending Bryn and Cameron to school, she noticed a small glass teddy bear magically appear on the table before her. It seemed to hold a heart in its hand and inside this heart was an orange stone. Since it was Mike’s birthstone, Stacy concluded that it was her husband trying to tell her that he was watching over them but she couldn’t have been more wrong.

 The next day, when 12-year-old Cameron was playing in the living room, the temperature of the living room started to increase all of sudden. Noticing this change, Cameron turned around to see what was the reason behind this sudden increase in temperature and he saw fire in the fireplace. He put down the fire and continued playing only for the temperature to rise again. Discovering that the igniter in the fireplace had turned on by itself, Cameron started shouting for his mom in fear.

 Before Stacy reached the living room, the igniter turned off by itself and this made her believe that her son was making it up. While Stacy was about to leave the room after sending her son away, she saw the glass teddy bear she had seen earlier, magically appear on the table in front of her, Stacy had placed it in her closet the previous time and as she couldn’t come up with an explanation for how it moved to the table before her, she concluded that her husband was playing a prank to light up the family’s mood.

 Later that night, Stacy was woken up from her sleep by soft whispers. The whispers were in the voice of her late husband and it said, “Honey, I’m here”. Stacy was creeped out by this and mustering all her courage, she turned around to see who it was. When she turned, she saw an indentation on her bed and it seemed to be that of a man. Stacy jumped out of her bed in fear but, thinking that it was the spirit of her husband, she lay beside this indentation and peacefully slept.

A Black Figure with Cat-Like Eyes

 A couple of nights later, 9-year-old Bryn had an eerie vivid nightmare that made her run to her mother’s room in fear. In her nightmare, she found herself being chased by a 6-foot-tall large black figure that had cat-like eyes. This figure chased her down, got hold of her ankles, and pulled her along the hallway into a dark corner. This made Bryn wake up from her sleep and she ran to Stacy’s room with tears rolling from her eyes. When Bryn told what had just happened to Stacy, she convinced her daughter that it was just a nightmare and put her back to sleep.

 The next day, while Bryn was all around in her room painting, she felt as if someone was walking into the room. When she turned around to see who it was, she saw a tall man with blue eyes and brown hair walk towards her. This man was her father Mike whom she had only seen in pictures. Seeing Mike open his arms, the kid screamed in joy and ran towards him but as she got closer and closer, she noticed that her father’s face was turning black. Mike slowly changed into the demon she had seen in her dreams the previous night and it made her bolt out of the room in fear.

Demon with cat eyes

 Bryn ran straight to her room and told her about how she saw her father’s figure slowly change into a black figure with cat eyes. After Stacy heard her daughter say this, she started asking herself if the presence she was feeling around her was really the presence of her husband. Seeing her daughter getting scared while being alone, Stacy decided to have Bryn sleep with her for a few days.

 That night, Cameron left his room and walked into the kitchen to fulfil his midnight cravings. While he was snacking in the kitchen, he started hearing nonsensical whispers around him. The whispers did not seem to have a defined origin and they started to get on his nerves. Cameron started feeling an evil presence around him and he slowly started backstepping out of the kitchen. When he was almost out, he felt something stand right behind him. When he turned to see what it was, he saw a huge black figure with cat-like eyes staring dead at him. Cameron fell on the floor in fear and this figure disappeared.

 Cameron ran upstairs to his mother’s room and told her about what he had seen in the kitchen. Seeing the paleness on his face and the tears in his eyes, Stacy confirmed that her son was not lying. Also, with the entity he had seen being similar to the entity Bryn had seen, Stacy understood that their house was haunted by something evil.

 Stacy reached out to a spiritual cleanser named Johnny seeking help. When Johnny entered their house, he started to feel something demonic in it. He told the family that he had to cleanse the house and started the cleansing ritual. While Johnny was cleansing the house, Bryn felt something grip her ankle hard. Before she could call her mom, the demon started pulling her into the hallway by her ankle. Johnny followed her shouting, “Begone!” repetitively and it eventually left her ankle. Bryn felt the darkness around her slowly dissipate and she was relieved by it. Johnny told the family that the demon was no longer in their house and left the house.

The Evil Returns

 Almost a year later, with the family slowly recovering from the horror they had been through, demonic activity returned to the house. One night, while Bryn was getting ready to go to sleep, she started hearing whispers around her. The whispers said, “Help me! Let me out!”. Scared to death, Bryn covered her face with her blanket. The blanket was forcefully pulled off her and in front of her stood the black figure with cat eyes she had seen before. The demon disappeared and she started feeling a sharp pain on the right side of her chest.

 Bryn bolted out of her room and ran to her mom crying in pain. She told Stacy what had happened but her mother did not seem to believe her. Seeing a bloody patch develop on Bryn’s top, Stacy lifted it, and underneath it was Bryn’s bare chest with three deep and freshly-made marks. This made Stacy believe that the demon had indeed returned and she reached out to a psychic medium named Claudia seeking her help.

The Starting Point

 Claudia visited their house the very next day and the moment she stepped into the house, similar to Johnny, she felt something evil in it. After patiently listening to the experiences of the family members, Claudia tried to find the reason behind them. Using her psychic powers, Claudia figured out that Stacy’s nephews who took care of the house when the family left for a vacation, had performed a séance in the Kitchen of the house trying to communicate with Mike. During this séance, they encountered a demon which made them run out of the room without finishing the séance properly. 

 After Stacy confirmed that strangeness in the house began only after this vacation, Claudia helped the family to finish this séance properly. Ever since then, they haven’t experienced anything paranormal in their house.