
Eerie Encounters : Hunted by Huge Bipedal Wolves

7 minute read

 After working in a paper mill for 20 years, Eric Martin was forced to give up on his job in 2005 after falling down while trying to get something off the shelf. This fall left Eric with multiple slipped discs and this meant that he couldn’t work anymore. This situation forced his wife Shelley to start going to work after a really long time and with the help of her connections, she was able to land a job in her hometown called Palmyra in Maine. The family were not eager to go to this small rural town but since they had no other choice, they ended up moving to Palmyra.

 Thanks to the town's low cost of living, the family were able to get a big farmhouse with the money they had. Despite its beauty, the farmhouse was completely surrounded by forest and it was extremely isolated. To reach the house, the family had to drive through a bumpy access road and then through a long driveway of the property. The farmhouse had a barn at about 20 metres on its left and on its front was an open clearing of about 200 meters followed by the tree line of the woods.

Pulsating Lights in the Woods

 During their first year at the house, Eric and Shelley made it a habit to sit on their front porch every night and drink coffee while looking at the front yard. So, while Eric and Shelley were sipping on their coffee one night, Shelley noticed pulsating lights on the treeline in front of them. She immediately nudged Eric to show him what she was seeing and when Eric saw it, he instantly concluded that there was someone illegally hunting on his property. To ward off this apparent hunter, Eric gathered his son Shaun who had visited them that night and walked towards the tree line to scare the hunter away.

 As they kept walking towards the tree line, Eric noticed that these pulsating lights were moving away from them. Within a few minutes, these lights moved back into the woods and disappeared. Eric and Shaun had a hunch that the hunter left but to confirm it, they decided to take a few steps into the woods and check. Within a few minutes after entering the dense woods, Eric and Shaun felt as if something was walking parallel to them. They clearly heard footsteps at around 10 metres on their left and it sounded as if this “something” was following them. Fearing that this “something” was a predator, Eric and Shaun escaped the woods at once.

A Creepy Den

 About a month after this incident, Eric’s daughter Chelsea along with her boyfriend Nathan decided to take a walk inside the woods along with their two-family dogs. Chelsea removed the leash off the dogs after entering the tree line and they ran into the woods playing with each other. After running for about 100 metres in the forest, the dogs came to a sudden halt and they started staring at something.

 When Chelsea and Nathan walked towards their dogs to see what caught their attention, they saw what looked like a huge dirt pile. Upon getting a closer look, they understood that it was not a dirt pile but an intentionally created den. It had huge barks making the base structure and these barks were covered with moss, grass and other fillers. This den had a circular opening right in front of it and it allowed Nathan to take a look into this Den. As Nathan was trying to find something relevant inside the darkness-filled den, he started hearing abnormal growling sounds coming from it. Nathan was startled by these growls and without giving a second thought he took Chelsea and the dogs back home.

 After returning home, Nathan told Eric about this den and it was then he understood that they saw this den exactly in the place where Eric and Shaun felt as if they were being stalked by some predator.

Bipedal Wolves on the treeline

 A couple of months later, while Eric and Shelley were sitting on the front porch sipping on their coffee one night, they noticed an eerily strange silence. They had been in this house for almost two years by then and every night they heard multiple natural sounds coming from the forest during their late-night coffee times. That night, however, they heard no such sounds and the atmosphere around them was filled with pin-drop silence. As they kept speaking over the coffee, Eric suddenly felt as if they were in danger and he immediately started asking his wife to go back into the house but Shelley kept fighting back. In the middle of their tussle, the couple suddenly heard a strange growl and they immediately went silent.

 To see what was causing these sounds, Shelley flashed her light on the tree line and slowly scanned across it. As she scanned the tree line, she saw three unnaturally large wolves slowly come out of the centre of the tree line and they were staring at them. Following them came two other wolves but these wolves walked on two legs until they reached the tree line. Once, these two bipedal wolves reached the tree line, they got on all fours and the five of them started running towards Eric and Shelley. Despite having the head of a wolf, this animal was bipedal and too big to be a wolf and Eric being an extremely experienced hunter was not able to figure out what it was.


Hunted all Night

 Without saying a word, the couple rushed back into the house and locked the doors. Shelley immediately started running inside the house closing all the windows with blinds and turning off the lights. Then, she went into Chelsea’s room and woke her up asking her to have a look at these animals. Chelsea was extremely frustrated at first but looking at how scared her mom was, she walked to the window, parted the blinds and peeked through it. Through the window, she saw these five huge figures standing in a row staring at the house as if they were waiting for them to come out. As she was peeking, one of those animals stood on its hind legs like a human and looked dead at her. Chelsea was startled by the sheer size of this figure as it stood 8 feet tall and she fell down gasping.

 Meanwhile, Eric was thinking about going into the barn to retrieve his rifle but he himself knew that no matter fast he ran, he would not be able to take out his rifle from his barn in time. So, he decided to drive his truck to the doorstep and secure his family by driving them away. He slowly parted the blinds of the window near him and slowly peeked through it to see where those five creatures were. As he couldn’t see the creatures on the front porch, he grabbed his keys and walked out of the house towards his truck. After he stepped out of the house, he noticed that they were standing in the clearing in front of the house and thus he walked towards his truck while keeping his eyes on them persistently.

 While he was about to open the truck door, he accidentally slipped his keys. Hearing the slight sound these falling keys made, these creatures started running towards him and Eric ran back into the house grabbing his keys. As he closed the main door, these creatures started scratching the door aggressively. Eric rushed to the room where Shelley, Chelsea and the dogs were present and after making sure they were alright, he called the police hoping that the sound of their vehicles would scare these creatures away. When Eric told the police about these creatures, they told him to lock the house and stay inside. Before Eric could say another word, they cut the call and the helpless family was left all alone.

 The family gathered in a room on the second floor, locked its door and windows and barricaded them with objects for extra protection. They huddled together and hoped for the dreadful night to end soon. For the remainder of the night, these 5 wolf-like creatures kept running around their locked house while bumping into walls and scratching through doors. They clearly seemed to communicate with each other and coordinate their moves. Smelling the scent of the family on the second floor, these creatures jumped onto the roof of the first floor to try and get hold of them. When the family periodically peeked through the window in the room, they would see the silhouette of these wolf-like figures walking on the first-floor roof on two feet. 


 They occasionally heard the sound of aggressive scratching on the walls behind them and it only kept getting worse as the night aged but when it was dawn, they heard these creatures run back into the woods. When the family stepped out of their house, they noticed huge footprints with claws and tufts of fur all around their property and their house was covered with freshly made deep claw marks. The family members were deeply traumatized by this incident and they ended up moving out of the house.