
Eerie Encounters : The Deadly Betrayal of Carol and Reggie

7 minute read

 In the early 1960s, two high school classmates named Carol and Reggie fell in love with each other. They were inseparable and seemed to be perfect in every sense but, they broke up after completion of high school as they had different ideas about what the future should hold. After graduation, Reggie joined the U.S Navy where he served for multiple years. At one point, Reggie got married but the marriage did not last long. When he finally got out of the army, he got a job at a railroad in South Carolina and settled down there.

 After graduation, Carol got married and divorced twice and her second failed marriage almost cost Carol her life. On February 18, 1987, while Carol was living with her 10-year-old daughter, her second husband came to her doorstep and knocked on the door. When Carol opened her door, he drew out his gun and put 6 bullets into her right in front of her daughter. He fled the house after doing this gruesome act and shot himself to death. The bullets severely hurt Carol and she was left to deal with chronic pain and complete blindness in one eye. After almost eight years after the traumatic experience, when Carol was finally starting to get back on her feet, she was diagnosed with liver cancer. It would be figured out that the blood she was given after the accident was contaminated with Hepatitis C and it led to her cancer.

Carol and Reggie Re-unite

 Carol being a strong woman, decided not to let this limit her and started to search for a job. After extreme efforts, she got a job as a customer service rep at a TV company. In 2000, a few years after she got into her job, she got back in touch with Regie because of a random call at work. The duo madly fell for each other yet again and within 6 months after their reunion, they got married. Within a year after their marriage, they decided to sell their house in South Carolina and move to Florida to retire. Although it was hard for Rhonda (Carol’s daughter) to part ways with her mother, she was genuinely happy for her.

The Couple go Missing

 In July 2005, Carol stopped answering Rhonda’s phone. Although she was not concerned by this in the beginning, she started to grow worried after the first 24 hours of her mom or her step-father not answering her calls as both of them were not in great shape. So, after 72 hours of not hearing from them, she drove to their house to check on them. When she got to their house, she noticed that they were not in the house but, the house was not locked as well. Their dog was still in the house with their dirty plate with leftover food still present on the table.

 Seeing these plates, Rhonda immediately felt something was wrong as her mother would never do something like that. Also, she found their life-saving medications still in their bedroom which solidified her conclusion and made her file a missing complaint.


 The Police started off by tracing the couple’s car down by putting the details of the missing couple and their car all over the news. Within hours of doing this, they found their car without a battery on an isolated road almost an hour away from their house. 5 hours after this discovery, they got an anonymous call from a young couple claiming to be Carol and Regie. However, they failed miserably in their attempt at impersonation and the police grew suspicious of this couple. When they waited for the traces of the phone call, the police started to track down the missing couple’s card usage. While doing so, they found that a man who appeared to be in his early twenties was using their card even after their disappearance. Although his face was not visible on the cameras, the police were able to get a brief understanding of how this man would look like.

 Although the traces showed that the phone call was tied to a fake address, the police found out that the same number was used to book a rental car. The rental company confirmed that the person who called them looked exactly like the man they had seen in the ATMs and they told them that the car was booked in the name of Tiffany Cole. The company told the police that their cars had a GPS for satellite tracking and guided the police to a motel where Tiffany stayed with her boyfriend Michael and his friend Alan. Tiffany was 24 years old; Michael was 23 and Alan was 19. When the police broke into their room, they found bags filled with recently-purchased stuff like video games, computers, clothes and perfumes. The trio also had the missing couple’s keys, cards and personal belongings.

 The police immediately took these three into custody and started questioning them. Although stubborn, Tiffany slightly broke down and confessed to the police that they had just robbed the couple and a fourth member named Nixon was involved in it. The Police immediately nabbed Nixon and unlike the other three, he immediately confessed. His confession would make the investigating officers break down in tears.

Actual Events

 Tiffany was well acquainted with Carol and Regie since their time in South Carolina. Because of her traumatic childhood, the couple took her into their wings and treated her as their own daughter. When Tiffany’s boyfriend Michael was thrown out of his house in Florida, Tiffany was reminded that the couple had moved near them recently and along with her boyfriend headed to their house to spend that night as they had no money and no place to go. When they turned up at the couple’s doorstep, Carol invited them with open arms and allowed them to stay in the house for as long as they wanted.

 She prepared them a good dinner and while they were having it, she unintentionally opened up about the huge profit they had made by selling their house in California. Hearing this, Tiffany and Michael immediately stared at each other with greed. The next morning, despite Carol asking them to stay for a little longer, Tiffany and Michael left their house. From that moment onwards, they started plotting to rob Carol and Reggie.

 A month later, after gathering two more people to help them with their crime, Tiffany and Michael decided to proceed with the robbery. Alan and Nixon knocked up on Carol’s door asking her to allow them to call from her phone as their Car had broken down. Although suspicious, Carl allowed them to use it because of her kind nature. Once they were inside the house with Carol, they tied and taped her with duct tape. Hearing the commotion, Reggie rushed into the house from the garage but they taped him as well. Alan and Nixon tapped them so thoroughly that, the only holes left were the holes beneath their nostrils.

 Once they finished tapping, they called Michael and informed him that their work was complete. Upon hearing this, Michael along with his girlfriend Tiffany pulled over at the house looted everything possible, put Carol and Reggie in the trunk of their own car and left the house. They along with Alan and Nixon drove to the secluded place where Carol’s car was found and made the couple sit inside the grave they had dug in that place. By now Carol and Reggie were drained out and hugged each other hoping for their plight to end soon. After extracting every possible thing from them, Tiffany tore off Carol’s jewellery from her face and started burying them.

Buried Alive

 They slowly started filling the pit with dirt and mud as the couple squealed in anguish. The four of them seemed to enjoy their suffering and continued filling the hole until the mud reached the mouth of their titled head. Then, they let them take a few painful breaths before putting mud right into their mouths and noses to choke them. Nixon told the police that, even after completely filling the hole and levelling the ground, they still heard the dampened sounds of Carol and Reggie gasping for air.

 Because of disclosing the burial site, Nixon was granted a life sentence while the other three were sentenced to death.