
Fearsome Folklores : The Legend of Skinwalkers

5 minute read

  In many Native American legends, a Skin-walker (or Skinwalker) is a witch with the supernatural ability to turn into any creature they desire. By way of draping the hide of an animal (most often a coyote or a dog, but also bear, owl and deer) over themselves, the witch takes on the form and developments of that animal.  In doing so, the witch gains that animal’s strength, speed, and endurance (increased greatly via the power of the transformation). Typically, Navajo shamans use this capability to journey fast from place to area. However, the Skinwalker is generally evil and gains its energy through committing a terrible act, normally by murdering a close relative. The Skinwalker can only be killed by putting a silver bullet through the heart or the neck. You should not think or say their unique Navajo name. If you do, they would know you are.

 The Navajo have a lot of documentation, and arguably the most thrilling lore surrounding Skinwalkers. The ’ánt’įįhnii (practitioners of witchery) are humans who have obtained supernatural prowess by breaking a cultural taboo. Upon initiation of ’ánt’įįhnii, one is stated to receive the ability to become a yee naaldlooshii (this means that "with it, he is going on all fours" in the Navajo language). This is carried out by a ceremony used to curse rather than to heal. Despite the fact that anyone can become ’ánt’įįhnii, men are commonly initiated. It is typically thought that only childless women can end up turning into witches. Although not every witch is a Skinwalker, every Skinwalker is a witch.


 In a few tales, humans who've attained the highest rank are called clizyati, which means nothing but evil. This state can be reached by killing a close blood relative, incest, necrophilia, or other culturally taboo or evil acts. Doing one or more of those acts is stated to damage their humanity and permit them to become completely initiated in witchery.

 Even though a Skinwalker is almost often seen as a coyote, wolf, fox, eagle, owl, or crow, the Yee Naaldlooshii is said to have the ability to take the shape of any animal they select, a decision based on what specific abilities are wished. For instance, a Skinwalker may use a bird shape for travel, or break out. Some Navajo additionally consider that Skinwalkers have the potential to steal the face of anyone. Skinwalkers are generally believed to be white in color while in animal form. The Navajo consider that in case you ever lock eyes with a skin-walker, they can take themselves into your body. Alternately, a few Navajos say that if you make eye contact with a skin-walker, your body will freeze up with terror, and the Skinwalker will use that fear to gain power. Skinwalkers, like many different malevolent legends, benefit strength from a victim's fear. It is also said that shouting “skin-walker” will lead them to you as if you’ve been marked.

 Skinwalkers are usually very hairy in their human form and regularly put on animal pelts. The skin may additionally just be a mask, which might be only worn during the initiation ritual. Considering the fact that skin-walkers are refrained from and despised, numerous attempts were made to hunt and kill them. However, they were often not successful. Every now and then a Skinwalker might be tracked down, but it always leads to the house of the tracker, or someone recognised by them. As in African werehyena lore, its human form will hold the scar of any injuries sustained during the time it stayed in its animal shape. It was believed that to kill a Skinwalker in animal form, bullets dipped in white ash should be shot on its neck.

Some say Skinwalkers could have the strength to read the human mind. They also possess the ability to make any human or animal noise, irrespective of their current form. A Skinwalker might also use the voice of a relative or the cry of a little one to lure victims out of the safety of their homes, due to the fact that a Skinwalker can not enter a house without an invitation, just like vampires.

The Skinwalkers can be noticed and singled out from human beings, due to the fact their eyes glow like an animal's eye when in their human form. In animal shape, they can be noticed by walking stiffly and abnormally or acting strangely.

Skinwalkers use spells and charms to instil fear and control in their sufferers. Some of the equipment at their disposal consist of fragments of human bone launched through blowguns, which can poison and kill the unlucky victim, and human bone dust that can lead to paralysis and heart failure. They are regarded for finding strands of their victim's hair, wrapping it around a pot shard, and placing it into a tarantula hole. Even rattlesnakes are said to be used as charms by the Skinwalker. A Skinwalker can use something that belongs to a person in ceremonial rituals to harm them.

 Skin-walkers use a powder called corpse dirt, also called corpse poison, corpse powder, and án't'i, to poison victims. Corpse dust is composed of ground toddler bones, often twin infants, specifically bone from the fingertips and skull. The Skinwalker blows it on the faces of their victims, or down the chimney of the victims' homes. Quickly after the victim breathes the dirt the tongue starts to swell and blacken, they go through convulsions and die.


  • Shapeshifting: Skinwalkers have the ability to transform into any animal or human they want
  • Telepathic communication: Skinwalkers can telepathically connect with each other facilitating coordination during hunts. They can also read human minds and also, control them
  • Mimicry: Skinwalkers can mimic human voices and animal tones to lure their victims
  • Possession: Skinwalkers can possess human beings and steal their skin.
  • Magic: Skinwalkers are known to use spells and charms to control or kill people.
  • Superhuman physical attributes: In human form, Skinwalkers possess unnatural physical attributes like speed, strength, agility and sense.
  • Lifespan: Skinwalkers age very slowly and have a significantly longer life than human beings.
  • Healing: Skinwalkers have the ability to heal very quickly like the “Wolverine” but the wounds are said to leave scars behind.


  • Silver: Skinwalkers are extremely susceptible to contact with steel and can be killed by any weapon made of steel.
  • Bullet dipped in white ash: Skinwalkers can be killed by putting a bullet dipped in white ash through their neck when they are in animal form.