
Horrific Hauntings : Haunting of The Capitol City Theatre (Part II)

Part I Continued

 As the accountant slowly walked out of his cabin and peeked into the hallway, he saw all the drawers in a file cabinet situated at the end of the hallways drawn out. And as he stood there wondering how these drawers had opened themselves, all these open drawers shut close at the same time and this happened right in front of his eyes. The accountant ran out of the theatre in fear and that would become the last day he stayed in the theatre after everyone left.

Dave’s friend visits the theatre

 As the paranormal events continued, Dave decided to offer a tour of the theatre to his friend in order to get extra validation. After Morgan approved this idea, Dave called his friend Greg and offered him a tour of the theatre which he readily accepted. The next day, Greg arrived at the theatre and he was warmly greeted by Dave and Morgan. The tour started at the main auditorium and once they were done with it, they moved into the basement. As they walked through the hallway of the basement, Dave noticed that a door on their left was open.

 Dave and Morgan immediately pulled out their pistols, aimed at the open door and slowly walked towards it with Greg just behind them. When they were about to enter the room, the door shut right in their face and Before they could react, the door handle started to rattle aggressively. Once the rattling stopped, Morgan and Dave broke into the room and Greg being too scared of staying all alone in the hallway followed them into the room. While they were inspecting this room, Greg was startled by something and pointed at a corner of the room as if someone was standing there. Dave and Morgan swiftly turned towards the corner to see what he was pointing at but when they turned, they saw just an empty space. At this point, all three of them were extremely scared and ran out of the basement as fast as they could. Once they were out of the basement, Greg decided his time at the theatre was up and he left it immediately.

Morgan quits

 After multiple requests, the cameras in the theatre were replaced with better cameras with infrared lights and this meant that the cameras offered upgraded night vision. The very first shift after the camera installations were assigned to Morgan.

 Morgan reached the theatre just in time and after doing the initial checks, he headed into the control room. As he was in the control room getting used to the new system, he noticed a man sitting in the main auditorium of the theatre on the camera feed. This man slowly turned his head towards the camera and started at it with his glaring eyes. Morgan felt as if this man was directly staring at him. As Morgan watched this man through the feed, he slowly ascended into the ceiling and disappeared into thin air.

 It was the tipping point for Morgan and he raised a request for transfer on the very next day.

Dave quits

 A few days after Morgan was transferred, Dave had to spend a night all alone at the theatre. After performing the routine rounds, Dave returned to the control room and started monitoring the camera feed. As he kept staring at the feed, he heard a piano play. He immediately headed towards the basement since he knew that the only piano in the theatre was located in the basement.

 As he neared the basement stairs, he pulled out his gun and walked towards the piano in stealth. As he neared the piano, he figured out that the piano was playing on its own. As he took another step towards it, the piano guard shut close. He instinctively ran out of the basement and similar to Morgan, raised a request for transfer the very next day.

A new officer greeted by the paranormal

 After Dave and Morgan forced their transfer, the police department could not find a permanent security officer for the theatre. After multiple failed attempts, they found a veteran officer named Josh Thomas for the job. On his very first day of duty, Josh heard voices in the basement. He went down to check the cause but despite turning on all the lights and doing a thorough check, he found no one. Thus, he decided to check the entire theatre and as he made his way to the third floor after checking the lower levels of the building he noticed something strange happen. Josh saw the elevator turn on by itself, go down to the basement and returned back to the third floor. As he stood there staring at the elevator door, it opened with no one inside.

 This event made Josh strongly believe that someone else was in the theatre with him. Since he was the only one on shift that day, he called for backup on the radio. Coincidentally, Dave was in rounds near the theatre and upon hearing his call for backup, he immediately went into the theatre to help him. When Dave entered the theatre, he was greeted by Josh’s petrified face. Dave asked him not to worry and the duo proceeded to check the theatre. They checked all the rooms except the main auditorium but just as Dave anticipated, there was no one. Before Dave left, they decided to check the main auditorium once.

 They went into the main auditorium and stood on the stage chatting with each other. They were positioned in such a way that Dave had his back facing the seats and Josh was facing him and the seats. Josh suddenly started stuttering and stopped mid-sentence. He was looking over Dave’s shoulder with his frightened eyes. When Dave asked what was bothering him, Josh told him that something was standing behind him. As Dave slowly turned his head, he saw a man standing at a corner facing the wall. He was looking down and his head was covered by a hood. By the time Dave completely turned, this man turned around quickly and look directly at them. He had extremely sunken eyes and a terribly burnt face. He teleported himself to the backside door and disappeared right in front of their eyes.

Burnt face in hoodie

A terrible accident

 Desperate to find an answer to the events in the theatre, Dave dug deep into its history. After performing a complete study of the building’s history, he got to know about a major fire accident in the theatre in the 40s. During this accident, a man was stuck in the basement and he was burnt to death by the fire

 Dave was convinced that the phantom of this man was the reason behind all the paranormal events in the theatre.