Eerie Encounters : A Psychic's Encounter
About the Protagonist
Zohrin (name-changed) a well-established lawyer from Malaysia is the protagonist of this story. Zohrin is a single mother who tragically lost her husband to an accident after just 5 years of marriage. Because of her love for him, she continues to live alone with her daughter without marrying another person. She is a very strict mother and never compromises on her daughter’s score, a characteristic of which her daughter’s ranks are solid proof.
Zohrin claims to have been blessed with psychic powers and she claims that she can see spirits and demons and commune with them. She also claims to have used these powers to solve multiple tough-to-crack cases. “Although these powers have helped me in many instances, they have given me a lot of sleepless nights and mental scars”, she adds.
One day Zohrin’s daughter’s best friend named Gayathri went missing after school and a legal complaint was lodged by her parents. But despite the police officers trying their best, there were no clues about the missing girl for over 10 days. Her parents sought Zohrin’s help and requested her to take up the case, to which she obliged. Zohrin was trying her best to figure out what had happened to the kid when she came across reports of a foul smell that resembled decaying meat getting emitted from a local departmental store. She reached out to the police asking them to check what was causing this foul emission. The Police after investigating figured out that the smell was coming from the cooling ducts of the store and on further investigations, they found the missing child’s lifeless body inside the duct.
The case was already a nationwide sensation and the police proceeded to arrest the store owner. But this case was not that straightforward. Records stated that the owner was not inside the country for a previous couple of weeks, the time period during which the kid went missing. Zohrin after seeking special permission from the police authorities proceeded to investigate the detained owner who constantly pleaded innocence and told her that he was not aware of how the corpse ended up inside the store.
Despite tracing multiple loose ends, the investigation always ended in nothingness. Frustrated with her incompetence, Zohrin filed a petition in court, seeking permission to witness the post-mortem procedures on the kids’ corpse in person in hopes of a solution to the case. The court accepted her petition and granted her the permission she had requested for. The procedures took place on the very next day and Zohrin had a really hard time trying to control her tears while looking at the kid’s body getting eviscerated. After all, this kid was her daughter’s best friend. The body had a whole lot of deep disturbing scars and the doctors who performed the procedures speculated that the girl was brutally tortured and raped for at least three days before her death.
Once the procedures were completed, Zohrin was able to hear faint whispers of a young girl. She anxiously looked around to see who it was but there was no young girl nearby. Thinking it was her mind playing tricks on her, a depressed Zohrin went back to her home. That night she went to sleep earlier than usual only to be woken up by the same whispers again. When she opened her eyes, she saw Gayathri’s enraged spirit staring at her. Petrified at the sight, she tried speaking to the spectre.
With every question she asked, Gayathri’s spirit came closer to Zohrin staying mum. Her whispers gradually changed into wailing. Although terrified, Zohrin was persistent in her questioning and never stopped her questions. Her attempts did not go in vain, as the spirit finally gave her the answers she was seeking for.
Zohrin says that Gayathri’s spirit told her, “I got a call from my boyfriend’s number. When I answered it, I heard the voice of his friend instead. He told me that my boyfriend met with an accident and he wanted to see me. He told me he would pick me up that evening and take me to the hospital. Extremely worried by what I heard, I grew gullible and agreed. He came in a car and picked me up as planned. My worries slowly turned into fear as the car went into a shady road. The car stopped near a warehouse and when I refused to get down, 2 other guys came out of nowhere and pulled me into the warehouse forcefully. They tied me up and brutally raped me till I died”. The spirit had apparently let Zohrin know their identities and the warehouse where she was abducted. When asked about how her body ended up in the store the spirit said, “One of the guys who raped me works in that store”.
Despite multiple attempts, the officers never believed in Zohrin’s claims and asked her to meet a good psychiatrist thinking she was mentally ill. But, Zohrin did not give up and with the help of her friend who worked in forensics, she gathered DNA evidence against those three bastards. She presented a report that the police officials couldn’t reject and finally, those bastards were arrested and put behind bars.
I did not reveal Zohrin’s real name as she is still a practising lawyer and asked her identity to be kept a secret. The story is hard to believe but, the records of this incident excluding the commune with the spirit are officially recorded. Listening to this incident changed my opinion on ghosts, maybe all spectres are not bad.
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